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Articulate: Animate Me

Great to be working with Articulate again, this time to facilitate a stop-motion animation workshop "Animate Me" at the TOGETHER festival, organised by the City of Sanctuary in Brighton as part of Refugee Week 2018.

Working alongside Articulate co-founder Lynn Weddle, we invited participants to make a plasticine puppet to represent themselves in whatever form they like, human, animal or other! We then invited participants to come up to the animation work station individually, in pairs or as groups, as they wished, to animate a short clip of their characters, staged in front of a simple blackboard backdrop where they could use chalks to add captions, speech bubbles or drawings!

Here is the final Animate Me video, where all the clips are edited together into one continual time-line:

Here is the visual instruction sheet we used alongside spoken instruction and demonstration, to make the workshop accessible across potential language barriers.

And some of the resulting puppets, in their maker's hands:

Thank you to the City of Sanctuary Brighton, for hosting us.

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